How Slowing Down Can Get You to Your Goals Faster

In our society, we tend to overlook the importance of rest. From a young age, we already have a lot to do: school, homework, socializing, working, and so much more. And it’s not like we take many breaks throughout the stages of our lives.

Many of us attend school for years and then immediately enter the workforce. While it’s great to be motivated and chase your dreams, prioritizing rest is also essential. Taking breaks and resting does not make you lazy or unmotivated — it’s an active part of your overall progress.

Why Rest and Recovery Are Vital

When we’re trying to accomplish our goals, taking breaks can seem counter-productive. If you have the energy and motivation to push yourself further, why not go for it? The problem with pushing yourself too hard is that you will eventually crash. It simply isn’t sustainable to live your life without ever taking a break.

By allowing yourself time to rest, you can avoid burning out. You can also use your resting time to reflect on yourself. How far have you come to achieve your goals? What could you do differently? When you’re always on the go, you don’t have time for reflection or growth. However, self-reflection is key to being the best, most successful person you can be.

Unlearning Bad Habits

It’s normal to feel a desire to be on the move. Society ingrains this idea into our brains from a young age, and it can be hard to unlearn. First, understand that taking breaks and resting does not equal laziness. It does not mean you aren’t trying hard enough to achieve your goals, either.

That said, even if rest does sometimes equate laziness, that’s okay! Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy a lazy day or weekend. After spending a weekend resting, you may find that you’re even more productive at work the next week.

As you work to unlearn old habits, you can also actively work to learn new ones. You can start by fully disengaging from work once you clock out for the day. It’s tempting to check an email or respond to a message, but they can almost always wait until tomorrow.

Next, you can find activities that make you refreshed. You may find that you enjoy taking a long nap on Saturday afternoon. Or, perhaps you shut off your phone for a few hours and enjoy a book or TV show. Even as you take a break, you are still actively working towards your goals and achieving progress.

The Toll That Constant Activity Takes on Your Body

When you’re always on the go, you may feel energized at first. Over time, however, you may begin to experience burnout. You may no longer feel the same drive that you once did, and wonder if you’ve made the right choices along the way.

Furthermore, you may begin to notice physical symptoms, too. When you avoid taking breaks and resting, you may find it harder to sleep at night. You may experience changes in appetite and new or worsening aches and pains. It’s easy to overlook these symptoms and keep pushing forward, but over time they can lead to more severe health issues, both physically and mentally.

Great Things Take Time and Patience

When you’re working toward goals, it’s natural to want to achieve them as quickly as possible. However, remember that great things take time. Be patient with yourself and the process — and don’t see rest as stagnation or downtime.

Instead, begin to look at periods of rest as an active part of your progress. Start making little changes and, you’ll see big results in your mental health and happiness. Don’t let life pass you by without taking a break to enjoy it — start prioritizing rest and recovery as a part of your progress.


Prospect Therapy is a queer + trans affirming therapy practice based in Long Beach, CA, with a focus on mental health for first-generation, immigrant, and bicultural communities. We continue to provide online therapy for a variety of mental wellness and relationship concerns to clients throughout the state of California. Learn more about how we bring lived experience to our work with LGBTQ+ folks of all ages in our communities by requesting a consultation below.