coming out

Coming Out Later in Life

Coming Out Later in Life

First of all, I don’t like the term Coming Out. I actually don’t like the term Later in Life either.

But I needed a pithy title for this post so here we are.

Coming Out implies there is a secret that you are revealing. But our identities aren’t “secrets.” They’re just things about us that are hidden behind other people’s assumptions. That’s on them, not you.

Later in Life implies there is a time to figure yourself out, and that time is the first 20 years of life. But anyone over the age of 20… or 40…. knows that we don’t figure a lot of things out before then.

Anyway that’s not what this is about.

The good thing about getting older is learning so much about yourself. However, understanding the difference between a change in your libido is totally different than questioning your entire sexual orientation. Self-exploration, especially about fundamental things about ourselves, isn’t a luxury many people feel they have the time and resources for. We are often not at the top of our own priorities list.

So what do we do with those nagging thoughts and feelings that just don’t seem to be going anywhere?