Career Goals

Career Complacency: What To Do When you Don't Know What To Do With Your Life

Career Complacency: What To Do When you Don't Know What To Do With Your Life

Do you ever get jealous of those people who have it all figured out?

Like they knew from a very young age that they wanted to be a veterinarian or a teacher and they just pursued it and ended up with a job they love?

Meanwhile, you might feel a little lost and not sure what your passion is. And work is fine, but you wish you cared more about it.

Is it normal to have no idea what you want to do with your life?

Um, yes, it is.

But actually you probably have some idea. It probably just got clouded by all the pressures you’re facing, some bad past experiences with jobs, and maybe an outdated image of what you thought you wanted but never re-evaluated.