first responders

Burned-Out & Overwhelmed: How Depression Affects First Responders

Burned-Out & Overwhelmed: How Depression Affects First Responders

Superhero movies have dominated Hollywood for at least a decade. Ironically, this may be leading us to take real-life heroes for granted. First responders are the ones who run toward a crisis or disaster. They are emergency medical personnel, disaster response teams, firefighters, and more. They are the people you turn to in the worst moments of your life.

They put their bodies on the line every day. Yet, it’s more than that. First responders can face a massive emotional toll during a typical workday.

Sure, they chose their career. Yes, they are essential to every community. But we cannot underestimate the potentially traumatic conditions under which they operate. This helps to explain why depression, anxiety, and related concerns are not uncommon among these professionals.